How to Find the Best AI Tools for Your Distribution Company: Start with ‘Fit’

June 3, 2024
  • Challenges: Companies face hurdles such as heavy workloads, reluctance to expand teams, and a gap in understanding AI, which often leads to hesitation in adopting AI solutions.
  • Importance of 'Fit': Success in AI adoption depends on choosing solutions that align with the company's current business goals, operational processes, and technological capabilities.
  • Finding the Best AI Tools Involves: When selecting AI tools, focus on those that support the company’s goals (Business Outcome Fit), can be seamlessly integrated into existing workflows (Process Fit), and are compatible with current technology while allowing for future growth (Technology Fit). This ensures the tools are not only effective immediately but scalable and adaptable for long-term success.
  • The Right Fit: The key is to integrate AI seamlessly into the business, focusing on solutions that offer tangible value and address scalability and security. The guide suggests leveraging partnerships with experts like ProfitOptics for strategic AI implementation.

When considering artificial intelligence (AI) tools, the narrative of Goldilocks and the Three Bears can provide a helpful framework for identifying the best and most useful tools for your business. 

Distributors, like Goldilocks, navigate a busy landscape of options, each requiring alignment with their business objectives, operational workflows, and technological infrastructures.

Use this blog as a guide, using Goldilocks' journey as a reference. Learn strategies to pinpoint the best AI tools for your distribution company — not too hot or cold, but just right.

Challenges to Finding the AI Solution That’s ‘Just Right’

The primary hurdle is the overwhelming workload already on decision-makers’ plates, ranging from customer service responsibilities to managing packing, shipping, pricing, and contract execution.

A reluctance to expand teams to lead these initiatives compounds the hesitation, presenting a complex picture for those eager to dive into AI.

Adding another layer is the prevailing lack of understanding among leaders regarding the true capabilities of AI. This knowledge gap fosters uncertainty and hinders the confidence required to execute well-thought-out AI strategies.

For this reason, many organizations wait for their enterprise resource planning (ERP) providers to roll out AI solutions, assuming they will allow for seamless implementation. This, coupled with the challenge of balancing targeted AI solutions with the broader goal of achieving comprehensive business value, adds layers to the decision-making process.

To combat these challenges, the concept of “fit” serves as a comprehensive framework, guiding distributors to select AI tools and technologies that align with their current needs and pave the way for sustained success and growth.

3 Ways to Find the Best AI Tools for Your Distribution Business

Whether optimizing business outcomes, refining operational processes, or integrating cutting-edge technology, finding the right “fit” is crucial for distributors looking into AI solutions.

1. Business Outcome Fit

Prioritizing business outcome fit is paramount. This involves selecting AI tools and technologies directly contributing to your business objectives. 

Whether the primary goal is to increase revenue, reduce costs, enhance the customer experience, or improve other key metrics, the chosen AI solutions should align with and further your overarching business goals. This approach ensures that the adoption of AI is purposeful and directly impacts the outcomes that matter most to your organization.

2. Process Fit

Another crucial facet of evaluating AI tools is assessing their compatibility with existing business processes.

The chosen AI solution should seamlessly integrate into or, ideally, enhance current workflows and decision-making processes. This encompasses both internal and external processes to streamline operations, boosting efficiency and fostering a cohesive synergy between AI technology and established business procedures.

A strong process fit ensures a smooth transition and maximum utility from the implemented AI tools.

3. Technology Fit

The right technology is fundamental for the success of AI integration. This includes careful considerations such as platform compatibility, AI integrations, interoperability with existing systems, and the ability to future-proof against potential technological debt or vendor lock-in.

By selecting technology that aligns with your business's existing infrastructure and growth trajectory, you not only optimize implementation but also safeguard against potential challenges in the future, ensuring a scalable and adaptable AI solution.

The Right Fit

When it comes to AI adoption in distribution, the central struggle for decision-makers lies in finding the “just right” solution. Concerns range from budgetary constraints to the uncertainty of achieving substantial outcomes. 

What can’t be understated is the significance of seamlessly integrating AI into existing workflows and processes. Distributors should thoroughly assess workflows, pinpoint gaps, and choose AI tools to improve the above.

The primary focus should be delivering tangible value while addressing scalability, technology debt, and security concerns. 

Remember that Goldilocks didn’t have a guide to help her make decisions. For distributors getting started with AI, however, ProfitOptics can be your trusted partner, helping you decide what solutions you can implement now to lay the groundwork to get ROI from AI long into the future.

We’ll guide you in finding the AI fit for your organization. Get in touch now.

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